We are learning to summarize text
We are learning to summarize textThe bantam and the soldier summaryYoung Bantam getting picked on by the other Bantams and its war time. When war came to the village he took the good animals with him and he left the bantams to fend for themselves. The little bantam slept away from the others.There was an explosion the bantams got blown up except for the little one he stayed in the bush and he was the only one that survived. The soldiers headed into the village one was Arthur and he got picked on like the bantams by the other soldiers. The farmer heard movement in the bushes and it was the bantam.Arthur freed the bantam and put it in his coat pocket. The soldiers tease Arthur about having the bantam.The soldiers started to like the bantam.They collected bugs for her and she rewarded them with a egg.Bertha kept hope in the soldiers. The battle moved past them.They weren't allowed to take bertha with them. They took Bertha back to the farmer and said goodbye.Arthur returned home and was friends with his fellow soldiers.He said to his niece i want to tell you a story and told her about the bantam called Bertha. Moral and message of the story:if you're nice to people you get good things backif you stay strong in your mind about something to achieve your goals.the chicken brought hope to the soldiersif you are really positive about something and others aren't stay strong about it and eventually they will come around to it.
Well done Johnny!